Billjim Damascus Tour Partner

unThankful Murdochs » Media HoF owe Mugsar Billjim
(15m 33s, 98.9Mb)
unThankful Murdochs HoF owe Mugsar Bigtime yt



As Billjim / ALH author — Anzac Centenary Commission listed 2011, work officially archived by National Library (their Pandora project), researcher international top 4% ranking — looking to partner with, or work for an Tour company.

There’s the obvious “7 DAY BEERSHEBA TOUR”.

I would help you add “7 DAY DAMASCUS TOUR” to commemorate Australia’s only ever epochal military victory.

Selling points include:

– Major Holden A4LH took the surrender of the Ottoman Empire sunrise 1 October 1918

Subtle promotion point that this is about getting even with the Lawrence of Arabia Hollywood shafting of the Australian soldiers – he  arrived later in a Rolls Royce not on camel. 

– Billjim name novelty to differentiate from competition and maybe get some free publicity. Particularly, from Rupert Murdoch media as we have support letter from Dame Elisabeth Murdoch and exclusive proof the Keith Murdoch really did get the Billjim out of Gallipoli (and effectively legitimizes the subsequent Murdoch media empire, to the chagrin of detractors) many of whom were ALH who got back to their Walers (NSW horse breed) in Egypt and then proceeded to kick the Turks out of the Holy Land after a 400 year occupation.  

Strategy here is to get social media to pick up on the fact that back then Australian soldiers were affectionately known as Billjim, not Anzacs.

The Billjim Song – based on a ditty of the time – karaoke style. Reinforces validity of the Billjim name.

Patrons singing it on your tours – encourage uploading their versions to Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.

– Ultimate aim to get crowds singing it at 20/20 cricket and football matches.

– Perhaps RSL / Leagues club shows – prizes / discount on tour price for best sung version.

– Eventual possibility of Billjim movie – put up for crowdfunding.


Discover Sumer

– Tours of modernday southern Iraq archaeological sites. Being founder of the world’s only standalone Sumerian Cuneiform Dictionary – Mugsar for the founders of education. This has much more international potential as shown already by the high ranking. Site Analytics show interest for the Mugsar comes from mostly affluent Americans in California (LA & SF) and the NorthEast (NY).

Would work also as School Tours.

The Mugsar will get bigger once it finds a home with a school / university, even a town. Then comes mugsar .org Foundation and the proverbial annual MugsarFest, like and international film festival.

So these would in turn promote the tours. Again could look to crowdfunding or even venture capital.


Hoping there’s something we can develop a longterm mutually beneficial relationship on.

Kind Regards

Peter Hogan


Damascus Tour 2018

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